Iduna´s Apples

Welcome to the apples of eternal youth and to a journey to yourself ...

King Theoden…

A broken man…

A dying man…

A shriveled figure on a throne three sizes too big for him…

A man poisoned by venom and treacherous words…

Reduced to nothing barely aware of his surroundings…

Why is he my hero?

Because he took the chance to reclaim life when it was offered to him.

I have been blessed in my own life with a Gandalf who brought me back from the brink of death certainly metaphorically and perhaps literally as well during a time when the Grima Wormtounge´s of our physical world had poisoned my just fine and were draining the life force out of me. 

I know how the broken man on the throne feels because I have been him, the closes thing to him you can be outside of the pages of Tolkien´s books.

I have been the dying figure on the throne, aged way beyond his years and an empty husk under the control of others. And I was brought back by my Gandalf and given that second chance.
It seems I made use of it or this website and everything attached to it won´t exist.

Yes, it hurts when the poison is drawn out. It can hurt like hell. But it is ten times worth it when you walk through the pain back into the state of being alive.

You can argue that Theoden died anyway on the battlefield and I agree. But he was alive at the moment of his death and he was a king in his full glory.

Since we all have to give up our physical school uniforms one day I rather die as a king than as the clown I have been way too long. I´m not going to blow that chance and I refuse to be a clown or a dying man every again.

Because there is no substitute for the fire of life… the lifeforce … the FEHU

We are nothing without it, except dying kings and queens filled up with paralyzing mind-numbing poison.

Take it from someone who has been there … this is not how it should be

… and Theoden knows…

… may he smile upon us…